

If I change windows' calibri font content to consolas will ...

2024年1月1日 — You can change the default font in OneNote, but once a note (page) is created, the font for that page is set. So changing default font won't change old notes.


2021年7月10日 — Probably because of different font rendering engines used in VSCode and whatever app you're launching neovim in.

How do I change my default font to Consolas, 'Courier New' ...

2023年1月15日 — The Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace is a font family, which is just a group of font names, that vscode tries to use from left to right.

What is your favorite programming font?

2023年11月16日 — I'm on the latest version of macOS and Visual Studio Code and the fonts I'm using are: Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace.

favorite coding font

2021年12月2日 — Roboto mono JetBrains mono Consolas is the best one that comes standard with Windows. Recently I used an online tool which lets you compare ...

Why does the consolas font look weird on VS Code? ...

2020年4月2日 — Changing the font-size to 20 makes it look better, but the text is too big for me. Do you any good font that looks ok on smaller sizes?

How do I change the default font to "Consolas, 'Courier ...

2023年1月15日 — I believe (but have not verified) that Consolas is not free. However, I can recommend another wonderful alternative font: Fira Code. It's a free Google font.

Why does the consolas suddenly looks good switching ...

2020年5月30日 — It's almost like font rendering is extremely complex and uses a number of tradeoffs to achieve good-looking anti-aliasing.


2016年11月27日 — I find Consolas to be the best simply because I can't find any that are better or even equal to it. And I had downloaded a number of top ten programming fonts ...

Comparing Popular Monospace Fonts

2022年1月31日 — Cascadia Code PL is my favorite. Consolas looks so terrible to me now by comparison. Ligatures and power line have spoiled me!

'> MyFonts。我的字體比較

